Into the Heart of the World
Alchemical Healing and Earth Based Culture
I believe that deep connection with Earth and learning to humbly
Reweave ourselves into her sacred web of life are where the
greatest personal, cultural, and global transformation and healing are to be found.
We are being asked us to remember the truth that we are part of Earth,
to know and live this as we awaken into deep spiritual connection
with our own heart, with Earth and with the Cosmos.
Join me as I invite you to step into a journey of profound discovery
through which you will be guided to connect with yourself and Earth
in deep and magnificent ways!
Here you can access forefront in-person and remote healing that arise from
Linda's natural gifts and decades of experience with many profound healing practices.
Here you can also learn cutting edge modalities
to improve your health and to embody your Earthly awakening.
Supporting the awakening of humanity through the Reweaving of Earth based culture
Reaweaving Immersions
Healing the myth of separation
Be guided to dive deeply into your living breathing connection with our Earth mother and her natural world.
Learn to align yourself with the frequency of Earth, the place through which the doors of communication open and profound Reweaving can take place.
Journey to connect with your ancestors who lived this connection.
Fall in love with Earth on a whole new level, and discover your unique place in Her web!
Align your senses
in the here and now and experience pure connection
This is an opportunity to heal the root of our disconnection within ourselves and with the wild Earth that we call home,
to rewire the need for busyness and overwhelm
that have arisen from having
inherited the myth of separation.
I am called to offer these opportunities for the rediscovery
of our true wholeness and of our place
in the mystical web of life.
As we heal in this way, we better understand
our role as humans in relation to ourselves and to all life here
on our beautiful flowering mother Earth.

Linda Christine Adams
Ceremonialist, Healing Channel
Teacher, Visionary
When Linda was 19 she received a very clear message that
her life path was to be of service.
From the age of 20, she has been mentored and initiated by elders,
healers and shamans from around the world.
At 20 she had an accident that left her unable to walk.
This was the first initiation on her path as a healer,
how she met her first teacher
and regained the ability to walk.
Since that time healers, teachers and elders from many places
and many traditions have mentored and initiated her
and the process continues to this day.
Her studies have called her to the far corners of Earth,
from Vietnam to the High Andes, the Amazon Rainforest,
Africa and beyond.
A near death experience in 2017 opened her capacity
to channel the Light frequencies of the Cosmos and shortly
after this she received a visitation by the Great Mother Herself.
She is the innovator of
Reweaving Immersions, Empyrean Energy Work,
Holographic Reflexology and Elemental Qi Gong.
She channels high frequencies of Light from the Cosmos and Healing Love from the Great Mother through her voice
and through her remote and in-person work.
She is a passionate guide in healing our separation from Earth
and in the Reweaving of earth based culture.
All of this wisdom and experience
is integrated into all that Linda offers.
Empyrean Energy Work
What is Empyrean Energy Work?
It is Remote energy work that Linda has
developed over the past 20 years
as her capacity has opened into the healing frequencies and wisdom of plants,
the elements, the high light frequencies of the Cosmos,
and from the Great Mother herself.
It includes knowledge and skills gained from decades of work
with Traditional Eastern medicine.
It can include shamanic journey work, as well as sound and song.
It incorporates wisdom that arises in the process.
Each session is unique and unplanned. Linda works by
responding to what is
being revealed in the living moment.
Would you like to...
Clear blockages to forward movement
so that you can blossom on your path
Experience multi layered transformation
through time space and ancestral lineages
Open to receive and give higher frequencies
of love and light in your life
Deepen your connection to your own heart and soul
and your connection with Earth
Receive tools for your journey of awakening into the Web of life

Integration is the ongoing ceremony
of embodying and anchoring in our peak experiences
and the most profound moments of our lives.
Integration is something I am truly passionate about!
It is powerful medicine that is
frequently overlooked and under utilized.
Often when we have deep or awe inspiring
experiences with nature,
or other profound experiences in our lives
we may notice that their brilliance and presence begin
to fade away more quickly than we would like,
but it does not have to be this way.
We also can have challenging experiences
that need to be processed and moved through
so that we are able to move forward
in our lives and relationships.
Often we just need a moment of connection
with someone who has deep experience in navigating
the realm of integration, to have our process witnessed and to receive tools specific to our being and our process.
Please reach out
if you would like to book an integration session
Do In -Taoist Yoga
A Transformative Weekly Class
To be more aligned in our lives, to advance spiritually
and to live fully it is incredibly helpful to be embodied,
to truly inhabit and to be present in one's vessel.
This ancient, meditative system of breathing practices and postures
is correlated with the internal organs, with the meridians and with the philosophy of Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean medicine.
Caring for our sacred body temples allows us
to channel and embody more light and vitality,
and can help us to move toward our goals
with more comfort, ease and grace.
This practice helps open the energy flows and circulation
within our body and in relation to the earth and to the cosmos.
The unfolding and rewiring process blesses our body
and our journey in new and powerful ways.

The whole Universe is holographic. That means that everything in the world is holographic, and that means that our bodies are also holographic!
What if you had access to the multilayered maps that allow you to move energy anywhere in the body
and address any issue from multiple directions?
This relatively easy to learn modality is also a portal to infinite discovery. The more you work with these principles, the more they will teach you.
This course is open to those with or without an understanding of anatomy and the energy meridians of Chinese Medicine, and is perfect for those who are already practicing Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists, and other Health Professionals looking for an amazing tool to boost your results and augment your practice.
It is also an awesome way to learn more about self care and expand your understanding of
what is possible in our bodies.
To Be Announced